Lucrezia Borgia's Salon

An Atlanta woman's thoughts on random topics like relationships, politics, religion, food, wine, music, art, and pop culture.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Nipple Pincher Gets Juvenile Detention

What is this world coming to when a kid gets thrown in juvie for giving a titty twister to another kid??

When I was little, I remember my older brother getting (and giving) bloody noses, broken bones and worse. My dad and granddad before him did the same damned thing. And not a one of 'em ever got sent to juvie. If things got way out of hand, the nuns (or other grownups who happened to be around) always took care of it, and quite efficiently too, with a well-placed whack of the hand, ruler, paddle, switch or whatever. And nobody bitched at the individual dispensing the discipline. And best of all, nobody's parents bitched that their kid was being subjected to "mental distress" or "inappropriate touching" or any such crap. Why? Because they knew this was just part of being a boy and an XY chromo in general. Expressions of physical dominance and challenge are just what XY chromos do. The nuns (and the parents) were smart. They knew you couldn't (and shouldn't) attempt to contravene thousands of years of biological hardwiring. The grownups just worked with it and kind of implicitly honored it as the natural rite of passage it was, is, and always will be.

God, wouldn't it be nice if the judge could prescribe a titty twister for the parents of the [whiny voice] "victim"?

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  • At 11:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "God, wouldn't it be nice if the judge could prescribe a titty twister for the parents of the [whiny voice] "victim"?"

    - I'm not sure that is appropriate punishment. They might actually like it... ;)

  • At 11:47 PM, Blogger Lucrezia Borgia said…

    [cringing] Hafta admit you may be right. Scary.


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